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Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am a 100% Breast-Fed Baby

I am very sad that many babies are affected by the recent milk scare. Manufacturers who adulterated the milk are truly unpardonable! Where is their conscience? Don’t they have a baby of their own too?

Mummy is glad that she was persistent in breastfeeding me 100% since the day I was born. The breastfeeding journey was not an easy one for Mummy; she nearly gave up in the first week due to the engorgement & pain! She could still recall how she woke up in pain in the middle of the night & need the nurses’ help to clear her engorged breast.

My brave Mummy did not succumb to the pain. She read about the benefit of breast milk and is keen to breast-feed me for as long as possible. Discipline is important, as Mummy needs to adhere to a tight milk-pumping schedule to ensure that there is always enough milk supply to meet my demand. Can you imagine my lazy Mummy waking up early in the morning at 6 am to pump milk, and subsequently every 3 hours pump till the last pump at 11 pm in the night! To her, it was almost mission impossible to do that cause Mummy is a heavy sleeper, she can sleep like 13 hours a day before I was born. For my sake, Mummy did the impossible. This is the power of LOVE.

Why Breast is Best


Due to the anti-infective properties of breastmilk, breastfed babies tend to have less incidence of or less pronounced symptoms of ear infections, respiratory illness, allergies, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Due to the digestibility of breastmilk, breastfed babies are rarely constipated.

The stools of breastfed babies are mild-smelling.

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is less common in breastfed babies.

Breastmilk is constantly changing in its composition to meet the changing needs of the baby. Nutritional composition of breastmilk changes as the baby's nutritional needs change - even within a single feeding.

Breastfed babies are constantly exposed to a variety of tastes through their mother's milk.

Breastfed children are at less risk for chrohn's disease and juvenile diabetes.

Children who were breastfed are less likely to need orthodontic work such as braces due to the unique sucking action required with breastfeeding.

IQ levels are an average of 8 points higher in children who were breastfed.

Adults who were breastfed have a lower risk for high cholesterol and asthma.

The bond between mother and child seems to be enhanced with breastfeeding.

So despite the recent milk scare, Mummy can ensure that I am a healthy baby since I am 100% breast-fed. We pray hard that all babies affected recovers soon.


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