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Saturday, August 23, 2008

I am 12 weeks old - My thoughts on the Government's policy

I am 12 weeks old already. I am in good mood today, keep smiling at Mummy.

My face changed when Mummy shared with me on Government's decision to not backdate the enhanced parenthood package effective date. Meaning, I will not have a CDA account, while the August onwards babies will have it.

I pictured a future conversation that I will be having with my Mummy:

Le Xuan: Mummy, can I join the ballet class that Rainie (Sep '08 baby) is taking? I would love to attend it.
Mum: Girl, sorry, we dun have extra $ for you to take such classes
Le Xuan: Why not??? Rainie can go and she said she doesn't have to pay a single cent.
Mum: Oh...it's because she has a CDA account which you dun have

I am so so so disappointed with the Government's unfair treatment..


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