I am 2 months old
I am officially 2 months old today!~
Mummy says shouldn't sleep with my arms wide wide, legs wide wide..
I am officially 2 months old today!~
My dear Mummy went missing for a few hours today. I couldn't find her anywhere. She finally came home around 7 pm with a new look..
Mummy say I look more & more like her, but I don't believe. So, she dig out her baby photo and compared against mine:
Mummy going back to work very soon. So Ah Ma have to start training on how to take care of me & pom pom alone. The training ended off with a trip to Laa Laa Land together:
Some say I look like Daddy, some say I look like Mummy. The result is fair, I look equally like both of them!
It's Saturday again, time to meet all my uncles & aunties @ Tai Ma house!
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